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. 2001 Aug 3;2(8):reviews1023.1–reviews1023.8. doi: 10.1186/gb-2001-2-8-reviews1023

Table 1.

Putative glycosyltransferases for cell-wall synthesis

M. leprae M. tuberculosis Rv M. bovis M. avium C. diphtheriae Comments
Putative mannosyltransferases for PIM, LM and LAM biosynthesis
ML0886 Rv2188c Y 99/99 Y 80/85 Y 50/63 Homologous to pimB (Rv0557) [39]
ML1715 Rv3032 Y100/100 Y 87/92 ? 29/40 Homologous to pimB
ML0452 Rv2610c Y100/100 Y 88/91 Y 48/62 Homologous to pimB; a candidate mannosyltransferase for PIM1
synthesis; part of a cluster of three genes in all these organisms, the
other two being phosphatidylinositol synthase gene (pgsA) and a
putative acyltransferase [38]
ML2583 Rv0225 Y100/100 Y 86/94 Y 50/64 Homologous to pimB
Putative synthases of polyprenyl-P sugar donors for mannan and arabinan synthesis
ML2443 Rv0486 Y 100/100 Y 90/95 Y 51/69 Homologous to pimB; confers mannosamine resistance in
M. smegmatis; probably involved in LM and LAM biosynthesis [39]
ML1440 Rv2051c Y 99/99 Y 69/76 ? 39/56 Probable polyprenyl-P mannosyltransferase
ML0207 Rv3631 Y 100/100 Y 84/91 ? 39/54
Putative glycosyltransferases for AG synthesis
ML0752 Rv3265c Y 98/98 Y 83/88 Y 51/66 Probably wbbl (rhamnosyltransferase for linker-unit synthesis)
ML0113 Rv3782 Y 100/100 Y 87/91 Y 62/73 Putative ligase of lipid-linked AG to PG; part of the putative
AG-biosynthetic gene cluster [23]; also found in a similar cluster in
C. diptheriae
Putative glycosyltransferases for PGL synthesis
ML2348 Rv1524 Y 100/100 Y 65/79 ? Homologous to rhamnosyltransferase (rtfA) of M. avium [44] and
or Rv1526c Y 100/100 Y 61/74 ? plant and microbial glucosyl or 6-deoxyglycosyl transferases;
candidate rhamnosyltransferase for PGL-I
ML0125 Rv2962c Y 99/99 ? 27/41 ? Clustered with methyltransferases (ML0127/Rv2959c); candidate
genes for glycosyltransferases in PGL-I synthesis
ML0128 Rv2958c Y 99/99 C-terminal ? See comments for ML0125
Putative mannosyltransferase for glycoproteins (O-linked)
ML0192 Rv1002c Y 99/99 Y 85/91 Y 42/59 Some homology to protein mannosyltransferases in yeast
Unassigned glycosyltransferases
ML1064 Rv1208 Y 100/100 Y 81/87 Y 49/59
ML0985 Rv2739c Y 100/100 Y 85/90 ? Similar to Pseudomonas aeruginosa rhamnosyltransferase
M. tuberculosis glycosyltransferases with no homologs in M. leprae
Rv numbers 0539, 0696, 1781c, 1500, 1513, 1514c, 1516c, 1518,1520,1525 Possibly involved in synthesis of glycans and glucans; not present in
M. leprae

Genes were identified by finding homologs for known glycosyltransferases in M. tuberculosis and M. leprae genomes. The Rv and ML numbers are as listed in the Sanger Centre databases [2,4]. Entries for the unfinished genomes of M. bovis, M. avium and C. diphtheriae are represented by 'Y' for yes, followed by % identity / % similarity at the amino-acid level, if homologous regions could be found, and '?' if no homologs were found at this stage of the sequencing. Funding sources for unfinished genome sequencing are: Beowulf Genomics (C. diphtheriae), MAFF and Beowulf Genomics (M. bovis) and NIAID (M. avium).