The HUA1 Protein.
(A) The HUA1 amino acid sequence with the critical CCCH zinc finger residues circled. The putative nuclear localization signal is underlined. The positions of the hua1-1 and hua1-2 mutations are indicated.
(B) A Clustal W alignment of the HUA1 family members at the corresponding zinc finger regions. GenBank accession numbers for the HUA1 paralogs are indicated. The cysteine and histidine residues of the zinc fingers are in boldface letters. Shaded letters represent identical residues.
(C) A Clustal W alignment of the six HUA1 zinc fingers with those from animal proteins. Identical and similar residues are shaded with darker and lighter gray, respectively. HrZF-1 ZF1, zinc finger 1 of HrZF1 (BAA81905) from Halocynthia roretzi; CTH1 ZF1, zinc finger 1 of CTH1 (CAA71245) from Cyprinus carpio; CAB55775 ZF2, zinc finger 2 of a zebrafish protein; TTP ZF1, POS-1 ZF2, MEX-1 ZF1, and PIE-1 ZF2 are the indicated zinc fingers from the mouse TTP (S04743) and the C. elegans POS-1 (T37246), MEX-1 (U81043), and PIE-1 (AAB17868) proteins, respectively.