Sample | Originalb copies/ml | Dilutedc,d copies/ml |
1 | 14,656 | 163 |
2 | 9,350 | 183 |
3 | 10,874 | 139 |
4 | 4,278 | 254 |
5 | 28,603 | 244 |
6 | 8,322 | 136 |
7 | 4,709 | 126 |
8 | 64,558 | 136 |
9 | 345,560 | 124 |
10 | 1,032 | 177 |
11 | 118,970 | 209 |
12 | 13,210 | 152 |
13 | 33,931 | 116 |
14 | 19,354 | 127 |
15 | 6,819 | 112 |
16 | 95,475 | 143 |
17 | 8,361 | 90 |
18 | 58,402 | 101 |
19 | 1,127 | <75 |
20 | 44,555 | 136 |
GART was performed by using QiaAmp viral RNA minikit extraction followed by TruGene HIV-1 genotyping kit PCR amplification. Three TruGene-certified technologists processed and analyzed specimens.
Viral-load determinations were performed with two kit lots in 10 runs; GART was performed with two TruGene kit lots in 6 runs.
Viral-load determinations were performed with one kit lot in three runs; GART was performed with one TruGene kit lot in seven runs.
Dilution Matrix (DM) was used as diluent for samples 1 to 14, but amplification failed in 2, 5, 12, 13, and 14. The diluent was switched to HIV-negative plasma, and samples 5, 15, 16, and 18 were amplified but not 17, 19, and 20. Viral dilutions of sample 2 in DM and samples 12, 13, 14, 17, 19, and 20 in HIV-negative plasma were concentrated by centrifugation before extraction. Amplification was then successful.