GRIP1 corepressor activity at the AP-1 tethering GRE is not conserved across the p160 family. (A) GRIP1 corepression domain is unique in the p160 family. Diagrammed are the p160 proteins: SRC1, GRIP1, and RAC3. Numbers indicate the amino acid similarity of SRC1 and RAC3 to GRIP1 throughout their basic helix–loop–helix (bHLH)/Per-ARNT-Sim (PAS), NID, RD, AD1, and AD2 domains, as assessed by using blast software (National Center for Biotechnology Information). (B and C) The effects of SRC1 and RAC3 on GR repression (B) and activation (C). Indicated amounts of SRC1 and RAC3 were transfected into U2OS.G cells and AP-1-Luc- (B) or XG46TL- (C) reporter activity was measured as described in Fig. 1.