Fig 3.
Regenerating Alb-Cre Foxm1b−/− mouse liver displays significant decreases in hepatocyte DNA replication and mitosis. (A) Graphic representation of diminished BrdUrd incorporation during mouse liver regeneration in Foxm1b-deficient hepatocytes. Graphically presented is the BrdUrd incorporation (DNA replication) detected by immunohistochemical staining (10, 25) at the indicated hours after PHx with either 8-week-old Alb-Cre Foxm1b−/− mice or Foxm1b fl/fl littermates. The mean of the number of BrdUrd-positive hepatocyte nuclei per 1,000 hepatocytes ± SE was calculated for each time point (three mice per time point). (B) Graphic representation of diminished hepatocyte mitosis in regenerating livers of Foxm1b-deficient vs. fl Foxm1b mouse liver between 32 and 52 h after PHx. Hepatocyte mitosis is expressed as the mean of the number of mitotic figures found per 1,000 hepatocytes ± SD using three mice per time point (10, 25).