Examples of typical duplicate patterns obtained using repetitive-element PCR with Dt primers for C. perfringens isolates obtained from a poultry production continuum. Lanes (lane numbers are followed by isolates): M, DNA molecular mass reference ladder; 1 and 2, CP-29; 3 and 4, CP-30; 5 and 6, CP-31; 7 and 8, CP-32; 9 and 10, CP-33; 11 and 12, CP-34; 13 and 14, CP-35; 15 and 16, CP-36; 17 and 18, CP-37; 19 and 20, CP-38; 21 and 22, CP-17; 23, positive control; 24, negative control. Refer to Table 1 for isolate source information.