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. 2006 Mar;44(3):892–898. doi: 10.1128/JCM.44.3.892-898.2006


Treatment and outcome of patients with rhino-orbitocerebral mucormycosis caused by A. elegansa

Reference or source Immunosuppressive treatment reported prior to diagnosis Antimicrobial treatment (dose; duration) Surgical and other treatments Complications reported Outcome Length of followup
31 None AMB (total dose, 3.5 g; 1.5 mg/kg/day), ceftazidime, clindamycin Left eye enucleation, palatectomy, bilateral maxillectomy, multiple aggressive debridement None Cure 1 yr after presentation
9 None AMB (1 mg/kg/day; ∼10 days) Orbital exenteration, debridement of sinuses Thrombocytopenia, generalized oozing and bleeding from wound Death 15 days after sx onset
2 Prednisone (20 mg daily for 3 days, then tapered over 3 days) AMB (1 mg/kg/day; 5 days), i.v. clindamycin Bilateral Caldwell-Luc procedures ARF secondary to AMB, anemia Cure 2 yr after initial surgery
17 None Liposomal systemic and local AMB (total dose, 27.5 g; first course, ∼14 days; additional “brief” course for relapse), tobramycin, penicillin Orbital exenteration, multiple surgical debridements, HBO2 (2.5 atm for 90 min twice daily; 14 days), G-CSF (600 μg; given for relapse) Mild hypokalemia, ARF secondary to AMB Cure (after additional therapy for initial relapse 18 days after discontinuing liposomal AMB) 4 mo after hospital discharge (8 mo after the injury)
15 None Liposomal AMB (5 mg/ kg/day; total dose, 14.7 g; 42 days) Right orbital exenteration, radical debridement, two subsequent debridements None Cure 12 mo after presentation
7 None AMB (total dose, 1.5 g; 1 mo) Local debridement and exenteration of right orbit None Cure 1 mo after presentation
This study Prednisone (30 mg daily for 10 days) Liposomal AMB (5 mg/kg/day; ∼70 days), cefepime, metronidazole Right eye exenteration, maxillectomy, sphenoidotomy, multiple aggressive debridements ARF secondary to AMB, hypoxia Cure 1.5 yr after presentation

i.v., intravenous; AMB, amphotericin B; TMP/SMX, trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole; sx, symptom; ARF, acute renal failure; HBO2, hyperbaric oxygen therapy; atm, atmosphere absolutes; min, minutes; G-CSF, granulocyte colony stimulating factor.