Pair | Primers | Position | Product length (bp) | Annealing temp (°C) |
A | #563/#425 | 7272-7960 | 689 | 45 |
B | #566/#425 | 7803-7960 | 158 | 54 |
C | #563/#564 | 7272-8089 | 818 | 47 |
D | #566/#564 | 7803-8089 | 287 | 47 |
E | #567/#564 | 7482-8089 | 608 | 49 |
F | #567/#425 | 7482-7960 | 479 | 47 |
G | #423/#564 | 6885-8089 | 1,205 | 54 |
H | #423/#425 | 6885-7960 | 1,076 | 49 |
Primer numbers are assigned according to an internal database, and base pair positions refer to the sequence published by Saltarelli et al. (31).