Transcriptional Activity of OSH15 Derivatives.
(A) Transcriptional activity only of GAL4-DB–fused OSH15 derivatives in yeast. GAL1-UAS stands for the enhancer-like sequence controlled by GAL4-DB.
(B) DNA binding activity of GAL4-AD–fused OSH15 in yeast. Each reporter gene ([TGTCAC]4-LacZ; [TGTGAC]4-LacZ; [TCTCAG]4-LacZ; or p53 target–LacZ) was introduced into yeast strain YM4271. GAL4-AD–fused OSH15 was introduced into each yeast strain sequentially. The empty vector or GAL4-AD–fused p53 served as a negative control, whereas the combination of GAL4-AD–fused p53 with the p53 target–LacZ reporter was used as a positive control.
(C) Transcriptional activity of OSH15 derivatives depending on their DNA binding context in yeast. OSH15 derivatives were introduced into the (TGTCAC)4-LacZ reporter strain. The empty vector served as a negative control.
(D) DNA binding activity of GAL4-AD–fused OSH15 derivatives in yeast. GAL4-AD–fused OSH15 derivatives were introduced into the (TGTCAC)4-LacZ reporter strain. The empty vector served as a negative control.
The bars show the LacZ activity, presented as the measured value in Miller units, of each of the effector proteins. Error bars represent standard deviations.