FIG. 8.
Induction of FasL by FKHRL1 is dependent on caspase activity and c-Jun. Human VSMC were infected with adenoviral vectors expressing GFP (control) or FKHRL1 or a combination of vectors expressing FKHRL1 and TAM67 or dominant-negative caspase 9 at an MOI of 100 each. Adeno-dnCasp-9 and Adeno-TAM67 were added to cells 12 h before the addition of Adeno-FKHRL1. Other cultures were incubated with Adeno-FKHRL1 and Z-DEVD (20 μM) simultaneously. After 24 h of infection with Adeno-FKHRL1, the medium was changed to fresh medium in the presence or absence of Z-DEVD. Cells were detached from the culture plate with 0.5% EDTA 24 h following the medium change. Cell surface FasL expression was assessed by flow cytometry using anti-human FasL antibody (4H9) and FITC-conjugated anti-hamster antibody (solid curve). Hamster IgG was used as a negative control (open curve).