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. 2006 Feb 21;4:10. doi: 10.1186/1477-7525-4-10

Table 1.

Individual growth models for longitudinal changes in physical healtha

Unconditional Linear Model Unconditional Non-linear Model Gender Psychiatric Disorder
Estimate (SE) Estimate (SE) Estimate (SE) Estimate (SE)
Random Variance
Intercept 101.53 (8.14) *** 101.68 (8.11) *** 87.34 (7.39) *** 79.86 (7.09) ***
Linear Slope 0.30 (0.08) *** 0.31 (0.08) *** 0.30 (0.08) *** 0.28 (0.08) ***
Residual 130.45 (7.17) *** 129.36 (7.12) *** 128.50 (6.96) *** 128.71 (7.04) ***
Fixed Effects
Intercept 74.71 (0.44) *** 75.19 (0.52) *** 70.95 (0.59) *** 72.26 (0.60) ***
Age -0.63 (0.04) *** -0.59 (0.05) *** -0.73 (0.06) *** -0.67 (0.06) ***
Age2 -0.01 (0.01) -- --
Gender 7.61 (0.84) *** 7.24 (0.81) ***
Gender × Age 0.25 (0.08) ** 0.22 (0.08) **
Psychiatric Disorder -5.95 (0.87) ***
Psychiatric Disorder × Age -0.23 (0.11) *
Goodness of Fitb
Parameters 5 6 7 9
Raw Likelihood (-2LL) 17624.0 17627.0 17538.3 17485.8
X2 3.0 85.7 *** 138.2***
Degrees of Freedom 1 2 4

Note. SE = standard error; LL = log likelihood.

aAll parameter entries are maximum likelihood estimates fitted using SAS PROC MIXED.

Age was centered at 23 years, Gender was coded 0 = Female, 1 = Male.

Psychiatric disorder was coded 0 = no disorder, 1= disorder.

bModels for non-linear, gender and psychiatric disorder are compared with the unconditional linear growth model.

* p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01; *** p < 0.001