Effect of SA and Ethylene on Expression of Pti4, Pti5, Pti6, Le-eli3, and the GCC-Box-Containing PR Genes GluB and Osm.
Fully expanded leaves from 4-week-old tomato plants were used for analysis of gene expression. Equal loading was verified by visualizing the rRNA in the RNA gels stained with ethidium bromide.
(A) RG-PtoR tomato plants were treated with 1 mM SA for the times indicated. Total RNAs were isolated from leaves and analyzed as duplicate RNA gel blots by hybridization with radiolabeled Pti4, Pti5, Pti6, or Le-eli3 probes. Note that lane C for Pti5 contains total RNA isolated from leaves of 8-week-old tomato plants in which the Pti5 transcript is detectable.
(B) RG-PtoR tomato plants were treated with ethylene (10 μL/L), SA (1 mM), or a combination of both for the times indicated. Total RNAs were isolated from leaves and analyzed as duplicate RNA gel blots by hybridization with radiolabeled Pti4, Le-eli3, GluB, or Osm probes.