(A) Mutants in genes required for dNTP synthesis (RNR1) and VPS (VSP34) exhibit accelerated telomere loss in the absence of telomerase. This shows telomere length of single tlc1, tlm, and double tlc1 tlm mutants 20 doublings after germination of TLC1/tlc1 TML/tlm heterozygous diploids. Telomere length in est1 tlc1 double mutants is the same as the telomere length in tlc1 or est1 single mutants. Telomere length of double rnr1 tlc1 and vps34 tlc1 mutants is shorter than the telomere length of single rnr1, vps34, or tlc1 singe mutants.
(B) The loss of telomeric DNA in the absence of telomerase is accelerated in dNTP (rnr1, met7), sister chromatid cohesion (ctf8, dcc1), and VPS (vps15) mutants. Single tlc1 or double tlc1 tlm mutants containing galactose-inducible TLC1 plasmid (GAL-TLC1) were grown in galactose medium (TLC1 +) or in glucose (TLC −) medium for five cell divisions. Single tlc1 mutants do not have significant telomere loss while the telomere loss is easily appreciated in the double tlc1 tlm mutants.