Figure 2.
Tumor Necrosis Factor-α Elevates Transepithelial Electrical Resistance and Flux in MDCK cells. MDCK cells were treated with increasing dose of TNFα or IFNγ for 24 hours; TER and [3H]-mannitol flux were determined. Panel A reports the mean percent change in TER, TNFα produced a significant dose dependent elevation in TER whereas IFNγ had minimal effects on TER. At 24 hours post treatment [3H]-mannitol (2 μCi) was added to the apical chamber, cells were incubated at 37°C for two hours, recovery of tracer was measured in the basolateral chamber and expressed as fold change from the control group. Error bars represent the SEM, n = 3. A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed, multiple comparisons between control and treatments were determined with the Bonferroni post test. **Indicates statistical difference (P < 0.001) to TNFα group (3 ng/ml).