Compilation of the photobleaching data (errors bars are SD) corresponding to all the studied molecules (fluorescein, FITC, streptavidin-fluorescein, FD4, FD70, FD250S, and eGFP), inserted into vesicles between 10 and 100 μm in diameter, under a laser power from 2.6 μW to 103 μW. eGFP data (squares) falls in the fast diffusion regime (5 < D/σBP < 200), whatever the laser power is, because the photobleaching cross section of eGFP is small. On the contrary, fluorescein- and FITC-labeled molecules (circles) have a larger photobleaching cross section and range from the slow diffusion regime to the fast one (0.04 < D/σBP < 10). The solid line corresponds to the theoretical Eq. 2a.