Determination of specificity of binding of oligonucleotides designed based upon RT-ROL results to viral RNA by cleavage with RNase H. HIV-2 1-561 RNA was incubated in monomer buffer with the oligonucleotides indicated and RNase H. Digestion products were loaded onto a denaturing polyacrylamide gel and fragments were visualized by ethidium bromide staining. Lanes L: RNA size ladder (Ambion); Lane 1: complete reaction except with no oligonucleotide added; Lanes 2-8: complete reactions with oligonucleotide asROD32, asROD99, asROD172, asROD258, asROD309, asRODPBS, and asROD344 added, respectively; Lane 9: control reaction with the non-complementary sense oligonucleotide sROD228.