Evaluation of sensitivity of BBK32 detection by IgG WB for serodiagnosis of early LB. Serum samples were collected from culture- or PCR-positive patients with EM at the time of diagnosis (acute phase) and 1 to 3 months after antibiotic treatment (convalescent phase). Immunoreactivity was assessed by densitometric measurements with an Agfa Arcus II scanner and MacBas (version 2.5) software. The cutoff value for a positive WB result was defined as the mean value for healthy blood donors plus 3 SDs. In the IgM and IgG antiflagellin (Fla) ELISA (Dako), the cutoff value was based on the mean OD for healthy controls plus 3 SDs. Ba, B. afzelii; Bg, B. garinii; ND, not performed; + and −, positive and negative WB or ELISA results, respectively.