Expression of the Mm-CD209L2 gene in rhesus monkey tissues. (A) Northern analysis of the Mm-CD209L2 gene. Total RNAs isolated from various tissues and a B-cell line were hybridized with a 794-bp Mm-CD209L2 cDNA probe. The 2.5-kb band is presumably Mm-CD209L2 mRNA, and the 4.5-kb doublet most likely corresponds to Mm-CD209. A human β-actin probe was used as a control for RNA loading. (B) RT-PCR analysis of Mm-CD209 and Mm-CD209L2 expression. Gene-specific primers were used to analyze expression of the two genes. In addition to the RNA samples represented in panel A, skin and thymic region RNAs were also included. Human G3PDH primers were used as a positive control. Four individual rhesus monkeys (rh-94C009, rh-A01-42, rh-95D551, and rh-B116) are represented.