AGJs at the paranodes are linked to axonal cytoskeleton. (A) NCP1-associated protein complex immunoprecipitated with anti-NCP1 antibodies from WT (+/+), NCP1, and CGT mutant cerebellar lysates (Lys). (B) Immunostaining of WT Purkinje axons by using NCP1, CNTN, 4.1B, fodrin, and actin antibodies. (C) Coimmunostaining of the WT Purkinje axons with NCP1 (a) and fodrin (b) antibodies shows that fodrin colocalizes with NCP1 at the AGJs (c; arrowheads). (D) Coimmunostaining with NCP1 (a) and actin (b) antibodies shows areas of overlap at the paranodal regions (c; arrowheads). (E) Coimmunostaining of the WT Purkinje axons with NCP1 (a) and αII spectrin-specific antibodies (b) shows that αII spectrin colocalizes with NCP1 at the paranodes (c; arrowheads).