Analysis of GP5-M heterodimerization in BHK-21 cells transfected with wt EAV and a selection of mutants. Protein synthesis in transfected cells was35S labeled from 10 to 13 posttransfection, and immunoprecipitations were carried out with antisera recognizing GP5 (left side of panels) or M (right side of panels) of EAV. The immunoprecipitates were divided into two aliquots, which were analyzed under nonreducing conditions (A) or under reducing conditions (B), which have been described to disrupt the GP5-M disulfide bond. In each lane, the relevant bands (see the text) are boxed. The sizes of GP5 and the GP5-M complex in the assay under nonreducing conditions are variable, depending on the presence of the 80.4 deletion in GP5 (see the text). Constructs: lanes a, pA45 (wt); lanes b, pA45/C34S (GP5 mutant); lanes c, pA45/C8S (M protein mutant); lanes d, pA45-80.4 (pseudorevertant); lanes e, pA45-80.4/C34S (pseudorevertant with Cys-34-to-Ser mutation in GP5); lanes f, mock transfection; lanes g, control infection with wt EAV (MOI 10).