FIG. 2.
Immunodetection of PrPSc in the tongue. Tongues from HY TME-infected hamsters sacrificed at 6 (A) and 12 (B) weeks postinfection and mock-infected Syrian hamsters (C) were immunostained for PrPSc, and the results were visualized by differential interference contrast microscopy (A) and fluorescence microscopy (B and C). Hamsters were inoculated in the tongue (A) or the brain (B) with HY TME as described in the text. In panel A, the arrowhead indicates the perineurium surrounding a nerve fascicle; within the fascicle is an axon containing PrPSc. The asterisk indicates a cross section of an individual axon. A muscle cell (m) is adjacent to the nerve fascicle. In panel B, the white arrowhead indicates an individual axon that contains a PrPSc deposit. The bars in the lower right corners represent 25 μm.