Fig. 2. Stoichiometry of TCC peptides. SEC performed under native conditions. The figures show normalized optical density (nOD) versus retention volume (Vret) of (A) TCCEag1 (4591 Da, solid curve) and TCCEag1L20Y (broken curve), (B) TCCEag2 (4462 Da, solid curve) and TCCEag2L13Y (broken curve), and (C) TCCErg1 (4467 Da, solid curve) and TCCErg1L20Y (broken curve). Elution volumes corresponding to 43, 19.2, 13.7 and 6.5 kDa standards are marked by arrowheads. The insets to (A) and (C) show the determination of the apparent molecular weight under native conditions using MALLS. The concentration determined (left axis, solid curve) and the evaluated molecular weight (right axis, symbols) are plotted against the retention volume (Vret).