FIG. 3.
Day 75 DTH responses to viral and myelin antigens are not affected by short-term anti-CD154 treatment. DTH responses to viral (VP270-86) and myelin (PLP139-151 and MBP84-104) protein epitopes were determined in hamster control-treated and anti-CD154 Ab-treated mice 75 days after intracerebral infection with TMEV. Hatched bars represent naïve background responses from uninfected, untreated mice; clear bars represent responses from hamster control IgG-treated, TMEV-infected mice; and filled bars represent responses from anti-CD154-treated, TMEV-infected mice. Data represent pooled individual results from three separate grouped experiments. Numbers of mice in each group are identified below the x axis. Asterisks denote a significant DTH response in control-treated inoculated mice versus naïve mice (P < 0.05), while n.s. denotes no significant difference between anti-CD154 and control Ab-treated, TMEV-infected mice.