Predictions of the state model in the text for three of the experiments presented. (A) The model predictions are superimposed on experimental Ig traces taken in 4 and 40 mM Ca2+. The rate constants for the OX <> O step were fitted empirically, and all other rate constants were taken directly from Loboda and Armstrong (11) with scaling to account for temperature and other experimental differences. Beginning at the left of the reaction diagram in the text, the charge associated with each step (in electronic charges) is 0.6, 1, 1, 1.1, 0.9, 1.8, 0.7, and 0. The fits are so close that they cannot be distinguished from the data traces. (B) IK tail predictions in 4 and 40 mM Ca2+ using the rate constants from A have a strong resemblance to the experimental traces in Fig. 2 (taken in 2 and 40 mM Ca2+). (C) Predictions of the model for the experiment of Fig. 3, using the rate constants from A.