Fig. 3.
Regulation of mitochondrial biogenesis. (A) Expression of mitochondrial biogenesis factors determined by RT-PCR in HeLa cells. Total RNA from cells cultured during 48 h with 10 AL or CR sera was extracted, and the amount of specific mitochondrial factors was determined by RT-PCR as indicated in Methods. The average intensity of each product was related to the control gene GAPDH or β-actin. These ratios were then used to calculate relative mRNA levels by densitometry. (Left) A representative image of blots from three different experiments is shown. (Right) Data represent the mean of the relationship between the mRNA from CR samples and AL samples from at least three different experiments. *, Significant increase of blots in CR samples vs. AL samples, P < 0.05. (B) Expression of mitochondrial biogenesis factors in rat liver. Samples from AL- and CR-fed rats were processed as indicated in Methods, and the expression of mitochondrial biogenesis factor mRNA was determined as above. *, Significant increase in CR samples, P < 0.05. (C) Effect of insulin on mitochondrial biogenesis markers induced by CR on HeLa cells. Samples were processed as in A.