Fig. 4.
Phenotype of SIGCs and ovaries that lack TAF4b expression. (A) SIGCs were treated with TAF4b and control siRNAs for the indicated time points, followed by immunoblot analysis using anti-TAF4, anti-TAF4b, anti-c-Jun, and anti-β-tubulin antibodies as a loading control. (B) Treatment of SIGCs with TAF4b (+) in comparison with control (–) siRNAs reduces c-jun expression. Gene expression was determined by real-time RT-PCR analysis of RNAs from TAF4b siRNA-treated cells after standardization to control siRNAs and using Gapd as an internal control. Error bars represent SDs from three independent experiments. (C) Live-cell images of siRNA-treated SIGCs at ×10 magnification. An occasional fibroblastic cell can be identified in control siRNA-treated cells (arrows). (D) Hematoxylin-and-eosin-stained ovary sections are shown. Disorganized GCs surrounding an oocyte (Oo) are evident in Taf4b−/− follicles compared with wild-type Taf4b+/+ follicles, which are demarcated with a dotted line.