Figure 3.
Transplantation of CD24High, CD24Low and CD24Negative populations. Cell populations sorted on the basis of CD24 expression were transplanted into cleared mammary fat pads of syngeneic FVB mice. (a) Table indicates the number of cells of each population injected into each fat pad, the total number of fat pads injected, and the number of transplants that generated epithelial outgrowths. Failed clears were excluded from the analysis. The extent to which each outgrowth filled the host fat pad is indicated graphically. CD24Low cells showed the highest rate of successful transplantation and formed the most extensive outgrowths at each cell number studied. (b) Example of an outgrowth derived from transplantation of CD24Low cells that fills 100% of the host fat pad. The magnified boxed region highlights the point of origin of the outgrowth. Scale bar = 4.25 mm. (c) Example of an outgrowth derived from transplantation of CD24High cells which fills <25% of the host fat pad. Scale bar = 4.25 mm. (d) Section through CD24Low outgrowth stained with anti-α-isoform smooth muscle actin showing the positive outer myoepithelial layer (arrows) and the negative inner luminal epithelial layer (arrowheads). Scale bar = 40 μm.