Fig. 2.
Concentrations and gel mobility for Reelin fragments in AD and NDC brain. (A and B) Three Reelin bands at 420, 310, and 180 kDa in frontal cortex (A) and cerebellum extracts (B). In each determination (made in triplicate) protein was adjusted to ≈20 μg by lane, and α-tubulin (1:1,000; Sigma) immunoreactive intensity was used as a control of blotting efficiency (Lower). (C and D) Reelin immunoreactivity from the 180-kDa fragment, and accumulative from the three Reelin bands, for NDC and AD subjects in frontal cortex (C) and cerebellum (D). In one NDC sample, no higher-molecular-mass Reelin fragments were detected and estimated in frontal cortex. The data represent the means ± SE (determinations by duplicate). ∗, Significantly different (P < 0.05) from the NDC group.