Figure 7.
Rescue of Spr−/− mice with BH4 and neurotransmitter precursors. A and B, Body weights of rescued 4-wk-old mice (A) and 75-d-old mice (B). Values are means (and SE is indicated above each bar). *P<.01, as determined by Student’s t test. C and D, Representative 4-wk-old rescued mice with low-dose (C) or high-dose (D) supplementation. E, Serum IGF1 levels in rescued mice. The nontreated group (Non) comprised three mice of each genotype; the low-dose–treated group (Low) comprised two Spr+/+, three Spr+/−, and three Spr−/− mice; and the high-dose–treated group (High) comprised two Spr+/+, two Spr+/−, and six Spr−/− mice. Serum was collected 6–8 h after the final treatment. Values are means (and SE is indicated above each bar).