FIG. 2.
(A) Orientation and site of Mu insertion (top strand) in the lacZ gene of the Lac operon (lacIZYA) in strain HM8305. Only the terminal dinucleotides TG/CA at the left (L) and right (R) ends of Mu are shown; the 5-bp duplication of host sequences flanking the Mu insertion is indicated in lowercase italic. Underlined sequences indicate primers [LacZ(F), LacZ(R), and LacZN2] used for detection of this region in integrated Mu in later experiments (see Table 1). (B) PFGE of total DNA from BU1384, isolated at indicated times after infection with Mu derived from HM8305. Cn, control lane with a mixture of genomic DNA from uninfected cells and purified phage DNA. Positions of free Mu and chromosomal DNA (*) are indicated. Known DNA markers were used to estimate sizes. See Materials and Methods for details.