FIG. 6.
Alignment of Tn916 Orf20 and related proteins. The proteins are separated into two groups based on their similarity to Tn916 Orf20. The first group (group I) includes those proteins scored as at least 63% identical and 82% similar to Orf20 by BLASTP (1) analysis. The second group (group II) is comprised of proteins scoring less than 40% identical and 59% similar by BLASTP. Alignments were generated by CLUSTAL W (35). Markings below the alignments indicate degrees of similarity between the sequences: *, single fully conserved residue (group I); :, conservation of strong groups (group I); · , conservation of weak groups (group I); !, single fully conserved residue (all sequences); ‡, conservation of strong groups (all sequences); †, conservation of weak groups (all sequences); no mark, no conservation. Highly conserved tyrosines among all proteins are shaded light gray. The one completely conserved tyrosine is indicated by white letters on a black background. Residues implicated in the modified 3-H motif are shaded dark gray. The proposed motifs (based on Rep protein motifs assigned by Koonin and Ilyina [15]) are indicated above the sequences. The protein sequences shown and their accession numbers are as follows: Orf20 of E. faecalis Tn916, AAB60013; Orf20 of C. difficile Tn5397, AAO24811; Enterococcus faecium DO putative replication initiation factor protein EfaeDRAFT_2437, ZP_00603105; E. faecalis V583 Cro/CI family protein EF1886, AAO81639; Listeria monocytogenes EDG-e Orf20 homolog lmo1111, AG1213; Staphylococcus aureus Mu50 putative phage replication protein SAV0408, BAB56570; S. aureus COL replication initiation factor family protein SACOL1583, AAW38199; S. aureus MRSA252 conserved hypothetical protein SAR1297, CAG40299; B. subtilis 168 transposon-like protein YdcR, CAB12294; Geobacillus stearothermophilus cryptic plasmid pSTK1 Orf3, 2102242C; Streptococcus thermophilus putative transfer protein OrfJ, CAE52362; and Streptococcus mutans UA159 putative transposon protein SMU.207c, AAN57979.