FIG. 5.
Immunoblot analysis of B. burgdorferi transformed with the shuttle vector containing glpTQ from B. hermsii. (A) SDS-PAGE analysis of whole-cell lysates of B. hermsii, two transformed clones (clones 21 and 25) of B. burgdorferi (glpTQ+), and B. burgdorferi with only the shuttle vector (SV) (glpTQ−). Proteins were stained with Coomassie blue, and molecular mass standards (MMS) are shown at the left in kilodaltons. (B) Immunoblot analysis with rabbit anti-GlpQ antibody. B. hermsii and the glpTQ-transformed clones of B. burgdorferi produced GlpQ (arrow), while B. burgdorferi with only the shuttle vector did not.