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. 2003 Mar-Apr;9(3-4):85–95.

Table 3.

Transcripts with an increased expression

Functional classesa Gene function
Tumor-related transcripts
 Ferritin Iron storage protein, often overexpressed in tumor cells
 CD23A Low affinity IgE receptor, highly expressed in B-CLL
 Hnmp-1 (EMP-3) May function in cell proliferation control
 PTP4A Potentially oncogenic phosphatase
 rhoCb Member of the Ras homology family
 Methallothionein 2A Metal-binding protein, role in proliferation and differentiation, often induced in lymphoma
 Prame Common tumor antigen
 Neuron-specific enolase 2 Known to be expressed in HRS cells
 Cathepsin B Protease, involved in tumor progression
 Putative c-Myc responsive mRNA (RCL) Role suggested in proliferation and c-myc–induced transformation
 Overexpressed breast tumor protein L34839b Protein-protein interaction
 Serine protease inhibitor, Kunitz type 2 Role in tumor cell invasion and metastasis suggested
 Laminin receptor Integrin, role in metastasis
 L-mycb Member of the myc protein family, oncogenic function
 CDK inhibitor 2A Tumor suppressor
 FK506 binding protein 4 Immunophilin, overexpressed in breast cancer
 Dipeptidylpeptidase IV (CD26) Role in cell adhesion, induced by IL-13, overexpressed in cancer subtypes especially in CD30+ B-cell lymphoma
N-myristolyltransferase 1 Overexpressed in cancer tissue
 Nm23H1 Kinase, overexpressed in many lymphoma subtypes
Transcription factors
 ATF-5 Repressor of cAMP-induced expression by binding to CRE elements
 Activated RNA polymerase II transcription cofactor 4 Transcriptional coactivator, ubiquitously expressed
 EBNA-2 coactivator (100kDa)b Coactivates gene expression regulated by the Epstein-Barr virus nuclear antigen 2
 DSIPI Delta sleep inducing peptide, leucine zipper protein
 ATBF1 Transcription factor with homeodomains and zinc-finger motifs, involved in neurogenesis
 L-mycb Member of the myc protein family
 p21SNFT Potential repressor of AP-1 function by dimerization with Jun proteins
 Jun-B Leucine zipper protein, acts as hetero- or homodimer
Kinases and phosphatases
 IRAK-1 Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase, acts in IL-1, IL-18 and Toll-like receptor signaling
 PTP4A Potentially oncogenic phosphatase
 Nm23H1 Kinase, overexpressed in many lymphoma subtypes
 CDK2 Progression of G1/S phase
 CD23A Low affinity IgE receptor, highly expressed in B-CLL
 Hnmp-1 (EMP-3) May function in cell proliferation control
 CCR7 Chemokine receptor for ELC, DLC, Exodus2, or TCA4
Signaling molecules
 TRAF19b Overexpression leads to apoptosis
 Quiescin Induced by change from proliferation to quiescence
 Guanine nucleotide binding protein γ 5 Ubiquitously expressed gamma subunit of G protein
 Dvl-1 Mediates wnt signalling via beta catenin
 FK506 binding protein 4 Immunophilin, interacts with IRF-4 inhibiting its transcriptional activity
 CDK inhibitor 2A Tumor supressor
 Rab13 Member of the RAS oncogene family
 Bax inhibitor 1 Suppresses apoptosis induced by Bax
 Galectin 1 Implication in modulating cell-cell and cell-matrix interaction
 Laminin receptor Integrin, role in metastasis
 Dipeptidylpeptidase IV (CD26) Role in cell adhesion, induced by IL-13, overexpressed in cancer subtypes especially in CD30+ B-cell lymphoma
 CD44 Stimulation of CD44 augments the LFA-1–mediated adhesion of cancer cells to endothelial cells and induces expression of c-Met, known to be expressed in HRS cells
Chemokines, cytokines
 TARC T-cell attractance
 TNF member 2 Tumor necrosis factor, induces apoptosis or proliferation dependent on the target cell
Interferon-induced transcripts
 Interferon-induced 15-kd protein Function not known
 Complement component C4A Esterase in the complement cascade, upregulated by interferon gamma
 Proteasome activator subunit 2, hPA28 Positive effector of the 20S proteasome, Inducible by interferon-γ and other cytokines
 Interferon-inducible transmembrane protein 1 Involved in relaying antiproliferative signals
 Interferon-induced transcription factor 3, γ Activates transcription in response to interferon α
Transcripts previously known to be highly expressed in HRS cells
 Fascin Dendritic cell marker
 TARC T-cell attractance
 Topoisomerase II α Expression associated with proliferation
 TNF member 2 Tumor necrosis factor, induces apoptosis or proliferation dependent on target cell
 CD44 Stimulation of CD44 augments the LFA-1–mediated adhesion of cancer cells to endothelial cells and induces expression of c-Met
 Neuron-specific enolase 2 Known to be expressed in HRS cells
 Cathepsin B Protease, involved in tumor progression

Shown are only selected genes (46 of 92 genes) listed in functional classes with gene name and short functional description; some genes are listed in several classes.


These genes were represented by tags that matched more than 1 entry in Unigene. For some of these genes (rhoC, L-myc), the tag assignment was verified by the RT-PCR results (see Figure 2).