FIG. 7.
Anaerobically expressed membrane proteins. Total membrane proteins of anaerobically grown Hib2 (arcA::tet) (lane 1) were compared with membranes prepared from wild-type H. influenzae (lane 2). Membrane proteins were prepared, as described in Materials and Methods, from bacteria grown anaerobically in BHI medium supplemented with KNO3 (0.5%). The gel was electrophoresed longer in order to better resolve higher-molecular-weight bands. Among the several differences observed, differences in two proteins were identified; fumarate reductase (FR) (66 kDa) was more highly expressed in ArcA+ strains, and l-lactate dehydrogenase (LLD) (42 kDa) was derepressed in ArcA− strains. The probable position of porin (P) is also indicated.