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. 2006 Mar 20;7:161. doi: 10.1186/1471-2105-7-161

Table 2.

Comparison of our system (GOPET) with the annotation systems GOtcha and GOFigure to predict the molecular function for eight Xenopus leavis sequences. Basically, the first four hits are shown, for GOPET and GOtcha with confidence values ≥ 80%.

GOPET GOtcha GOFigure
Contig GO ID Confidence GO term GO ID Estimated likelihood GO term GO ID GO term

TC212171 0008233 100% peptidase activity 0003824 98% enzyme activity 0004263 chymotrypsin activity
0004175 100% endopeptidase activity 0008233 98% peptidase activity 0004295 trypsin activity
008236 98% serine-type peptidase activity 0016787 98% hydrolase activity
0016787 98% hydrolase activity 0008236 98% serine-type peptidase activity
TC196381 004175 100% endopeptidase activity 0003824 93% enzyme activity 0004263 chymotrypsin activity
0016787 98% hydrolase activity 0004295 trypsin activity
0008233 98% peptidase activity
0008236 97% serine-type peptidase activity
TC209487 0003824 100% enzyme activity 0003824 90% enzyme activity 0004177 aminopeptidase activity
0016787 100% hydrolase activity 0004301 epoxide hydrolase activity
0004177 90% aminopeptidase activity
0017171 85% serine hydrolase activity
TC187949 0004888 100% transmembrane receptor activity 0004872 93% receptor activity 0004888 transmembrane receptor activity
0004872 97% receptor activity 0004888 93% transmembrane receptor activity
0004871 93% signal transducer activity
0004930 93% G-protein coupled receptor activity
TC194305 0003824 100% enzyme activity - - - 0004674 protein serine/threonine kinase activity
0016740 99% transferase activity 0005524 ATP binding
0016301 99% kinase activity
0004672 97% protein kinase activity
TC210151 0004872 100% receptor activity 0004872 98% receptor activity 0004926 non-G-protein coupled 7TM receptor activity
0004888 97% transmembrane receptor activity 0004871 98% signal transducer activity 0004930 G-protein coupled receptor activity
0004928 82% frizzled receptor activity 0004888 98% transmembrane receptor activity
0004930 98% G-protein coupled receptor activity
0004926 92% non-G-protein coupled 7TM receptor activity
0004928 80% frizzled receptor activity
TC199713 0004602 100% glutathione peroxidase activity 0003824 99% enzyme activity 0004601 peroxidase activity
0016491 98% oxidoreductase activity 0004601 99% peroxidase activity 0004602 glutathione peroxidase activity
0004601 85% peroxidase activity 0016491 99% oxidoreductase activity
0016684 99% oxidoreductase, acting on peroxide as acceptor activity
0004602 97% glutathione peroxidase activity
TC190605 0003824 100% enzyme activity 0003824 92% enzyme activity 0004518 nuclease activity
0016787 100% hydrolase activity
0017171 87% serine hydrolase activity