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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2006 Aug 1.
Published in final edited form as: Mol Cell Proteomics. 2005 May 18;4(8):1095–1106. doi: 10.1074/mcp.M500049-MCP200

Supplementary Table 1.

Proteins identified with 2 or more unique peptides in AQP2-immunoisolated vesicles.

Protein name Accession Gene name # peptides # unique peptides
Endosomal Trafficking
annexin A2 NP_063970 Anxa2 51 18
annexin A4 NP_077069 Anxa4 7 5
annexin A5 NP_037264 Anxa5 9 6
adaptor protein complex AP-1, beta 1 subunit or adaptor-related protein complex 2, beta 1 subunit NP_058973 NP_542150 Ap1B1 Ap2B1 9 5
adaptor protein complex AP-2, alpha 2 subunit NP_112270 Ap2A2 7 7
adaptor-related protein complex 2, mu 1 subunit NP_446289 Ap2M1 2 2
ADP-ribosylation factor 1 or 2 or 3 NP_071963 NP_031503 NP_543180 Arf1 Arf2 Arf3 5 2
ADP-ribosylation factor 6 NP_077066 Arf6 3 2
similar to Ac39/physophilin XP_214672 Atp6V0D1 3 3
clathrin, heavy polypeptide NP_062172 Cltc 16 12
similar to coatomer protein complex subunit alpha XP_222899 Copa 3 3
coatomer protein complex, subunit beta 2 (beta prime) NP_068533 Copb2 3 2
similar to Myoferlin XP_220031 Fer1L3 2 2
guanine nucleotide binding protein, alpha inhibiting 3 NP_037238 Gnai3 2 2
guanine nucleotide-binding protein, beta-1 or -2 or –3 NP_112249 NP_112299 NP_068630 Gnb1 Gnb2 8 4
cation-dependent mannose-6-phosphate receptor NP_001007701 M6Pr 5 4
myxovirus (influenza virus) resistance 1 or 2 NP_775119 NP_599177 Mx1 Mx2 4 2
N-ethylmaleimide sensitive fusion protein attachment protein alpha NP_542152 Napa 8 5
Rab1 NP_112352 Rab1 15 3
Rab2 NP_113906 Rab2 10 5
Rab5B XP_213824 Rab5B 2 2
Rab5C XP_213463 Rab5C 3 2
Rab7 NP_076440 Rab7 12 6
Rab10 NP_059055 Rab10 2 2
Rab11A or 11B NP_112414 NP_116006 Rab11A Rab11B 2 2
Rab14 NP_446041 Rab14 7 3
Rab18 XP_225453 Rab18 2 2
Rab25 XP_227404 Rab25 3 3
reticulon 4 NP_114019 Rtn4 13 4
secretory carrier membrane protein 1 XP_342175 Scamp1 3 2
secretory carrier membrane protein 2 NP_076445 Scamp2 4 2
similar to gp250 precursor XP_217115 Sorl1 3 2
sortilin 1 XP_342318 Sort1 3 2
syntaxin 7 NP_068641 Stx7 11 4
syntaxin 12 or 13 NP_075228 AAC18967 Stx12 5 4
vesicle-associated membrane protein 2 NP_036795 Vamp2 10 3
vesicle-associated membrane protein, associated protein A or B NP_113819 NP_068619 Vapa Vapb 2 2
valosin-containing protein NP_446316 Vcp 6 5
14-3-3, zeta polypeptide NP_037143 Ywhaz 3 3
Endoplasmic Reticulum
aldehyde dehydrogenase family 3, subfamily A2 NP_113919 Aldh3A2 2 2
similar to hypothetical protein FLJ14511 XP_232987 Alg2 2 2
sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase 2 P11507 Atp2A2 9 5
calreticulin NP_071794 Calr 3 2
calnexin NP_742005 Canx 22 6
carboxylesterase 2 NP_598270 Ces2 3 3
cytochrome b-5 NP_071581 Cyb5 7 4
similar to oligosaccharyltransferase XP_233581 Ddost 9 5
diaphorase 1 NP_620232 Dia1 3 3
similar to RIKEN cDNA 1200007D18 XP_213272 Ergic32 4 3
endoplasmic retuclum protein 29 NP_446413 Erp29 4 4
similar to alpha glucosidase II, alpha subunit XP_215144 Ganab 2 2
glucosidase 1 NP_113937 Gcs1 4 4
glucose regulated protein, 58 kDa NP_059015 Grp58 19 15
similar to hexose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase precursor XP_233688 H6Pd 2 2
hydroxysteroid 11-beta dehydrogenase 1 NP_058776 Hsd11B1 10 4
hydroxysteroid 11-beta dehydrogenase 2 NP_058777 Hsd11B2 9 7
heat shock 70kD protein 5 NP_037215 Hspa5 11 9
hypoxia up-regulated 1 NP_620222 Hyou1 9 6
inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptor 1 NP_001007236 Itpr1 2 2
similar to Vesicular integral-membrane protein VIP36 precursor XP_214428 Lman2 12 6
prolyl 4-hydroxylase, beta polypeptide NP_037130 P4Hb 7 6
proteolipid protein 2 NP_997484 Plp2 14 2
cyclophilin B NP_071981 Ppib 14 4
similar to alpha glucosidase II, beta subunit XP_238534 Prkcsh 3 2
coated vesicle membrane protein NP_113910 Rnp24 4 2
serine (or cysteine) proteinase inhibitor, clade H, member 1 NP_058869 Serpinh1 3 3
signal peptidase complex 18kD NP_113911 Spc18 3 2
similar to RIKEN cDNA 5730406I15 XP_214994 Spc25 4 3
signal sequence receptor, alpha NP_001008891 Ssr1 4 2
signal sequence receptor 4 NP_058895 Ssr4 11 4
integral membrane protein Tmp21-I NP_445919 Tmp21 8 5
similar to Endoplasmin precursor XP_343193 Tra1 9 9
thioredoxin domain containing 7 NP_001004442 Txndc7 13 8
UDP-glucose ceramide glucosyltransferase-like 1 NP_598280 Ugcgl1 2 2
Putative Cargo
agrin NP_786930 Agrn 4 2
kidney aminopeptidase M NP_112274 Anpep 3 2
apolipoprotein E NP_620183 Apoe 2 2
aquaporin 1 NP_036910 Aqp1 6 3
aquaporin 2 NP_037041 Aqp2 11 2
ATPase, Na+/K+ transporting, alpha 1 polypeptide NP_036636 Atp1A1 39 12
ATPase, Na+/K+ transporting, alpha 2 polypeptide NP_036637 Atp1A2 41 6
ATPase, Na+/K+ transporting, beta 1 polypeptide NP_037245 Atp1B1 12 5
similar to Cadherin-16 precursor XP_226203 Cdh16 18 7
chloride channel K1 NP_445779 Clcnk1 2 2
ceruloplasmin NP_036664 Cp 8 6
FXYD domain-containing ion transport regulator 2 isoform A or B NP_663769 NP_059045 Fxyd2 4 2
insulin-like growth factor 2 receptor NP_036888 Igf2R 4 4
integrin alpha 2 XP_345157 Itga2 4 3
similar to VLA-3 alpha subunit XP_340885 Itga3 2 2
similar to integrin alpha v subunit XP_230950 Itgav 5 4
integrin beta 1 NP_058718 Itgb1 3 3
aminopeptidase Vp165 NP_598258 Lnpep 18 10
Lutheran blood group NP_113940 Lu 8 3
membrane bound C2 domain containing protein NP_058945 Mbc2 12 9
chloride ion pump-associated 55 kDa protein NP_659553 Pcyox1 2 2
Rap1A or 1B NP_002875 NP_599173 Rap1A Rap1B 8 4
similar to band 7 protein XP_219858 Spfh1 2 2
similar to CDNA sequence BC036333 XP_214372 Spfh2 2 2
tumor-associated calcium signal transducer 1 NP_612550 Tacstd1 8 4
transmembrane emp24 protein transport domain containing 4 NP_872353 Tmed4 2 2
transmembrane protein 4 NP_064337 Tmem4 3 2
acidic ribosomal protein P0 NP_071797 Arbp 13 7
similar to ribosome-binding protein p34 NP_001008281 Mgc105677 5 2
similar to 60S ribosomal protein L11 XP_342950 Rpl11 10 2
similar to 60S ribosomal protein L12 XP_216039 Rpl12 4 3
ribosomal protein L13 NP_112363 Rpl13 10 2
ribosomal protein L27 NP_071959 Rpl27 2 2
ribosomal protein L30 NP_073190 Rpl30 5 2
ribosomal protein L31 NP_071951 Rpl31 3 2
ribosomal protein L6 NP_446423 Rpl6 4 2
60S ribosomal protein L7a P62425 Rpl7A 4 3
ribosomal protein L8 XP_343279 Rpl8 4 2
60S acidic ribosomal protein P2 P02401 Rplp2 6 3
ribosomal protein S11 NP_112372 Rps11 3 2
ribosomal protein S13 NP_569116 Rps13 4 3
ribosomal protein S15a NP_446434 Rps15A 3 2
similar to 40S ribosomal protein S16 XP_341816 Rps16 4 3
40S ribosomal protein S18 P62271 Rps18 5 2
similar to 40S ribosomal protein S2 XP_214903 Rps2 4 2
ribosomal protein S26 NP_037356 Rps26 8 2
40S ribosomal protein S3 P62909 Rps3 3 3
ribosomal protein S4, X-linked NP_001007601 Rps4X 2 2
ribosomal protein S6 NP_058856 Rps6 3 2
similar to 40S ribosomal protein S7 XP_345691 Rps7 3 2
ribosomal protein S8 NP_113894 Rps8 9 4
ribosomal protein S9 NP_112370 Rps9 3 2
similar to KIAA0788 protein XP_215831 Ascc3L1 3 2
similar to Probable RNA-dependent helicase p72 XP_235480 Ddx17 12 7
similar to Probable RNA-dependent helicase p68 NP_001007614 Ddx5 5 4
H1 histone family, member 4 NP_579819 H1F4 2 2
histone 2a NP_068612 H2A 29 2
H2A histone family, member Z NP_073165 H2Afz 11 2
H3 histone, family 3B NP_446437 H3F3B 2 2
histone 1, H2bl NP_072173 Hist1H2Bl 5 3
germinal histone H4 gene NP_073177 Hist1H4B 18 4
heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A3 NP_937765 Hnrnpa3 4 2
similar to heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein H3 isoform a XP_342132 Hnrph3 7 3
poly(rC) binding protein 1 NP_035995 Pcbp1 3 2
neuronal differentiation-related gene NP_647549 Prp19 3 3
similar to splicing factor Prp8 XP_213385 Prpf8 2 2
similar to heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein G XP_229192 Rbmx 9 3
similar to RIKEN cDNA 1810061H24 XP_214697 Sf3B3 10 8
similar to PTB-associated splicing factor XP_342921 Sfpq 3 3
similar to 116 kDa U5 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein component XP_213492 Snrp116 2 2
similar to Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein Sm D2 XP_214847 Snrpd2 4 3
small nuclear ribonucleoparticle-associated protein NP_112379 Snrpn 3 2
cytoplasmic beta-actin or gamma-actin NP_112406 P63259 Actb Actg1 75 17
actin, gamma 2 NP_037025 Actg2 3 3
similar to RIKEN cDNA 2010015J01 XP_237111 Arpc5L 2 2
beta-catenin NP_445809 Catnb 2 2
gelsolin NP_001004080 Gsn 3 3
type II keratin Kb1 NP_001008802 Kb1 9 4
similar to cytokeratin XP_215513 Krt1-18 3 2
keratin complex 1, acidic, gene 19 NP_955792 Krt1-19 7 6
keratin complex 2, basic, gene 8 NP_955402 Krt2-8 3 2
myosin regulatory light chain NP_059039 Mrlcb 16 5
myosin heavy chain 10, non-muscle NP_113708 Myh10 20 14
myosin, heavy polypeptide 9 NP_037326 Myh9 69 31
Myosin light polypeptide 6 Q64119 Myl6 17 6
similar to Myosin VI XP_236444 Myo6 2 2
unconventional myosin Myr2 I heavy chain NP_075580 Myr2 19 14
beta-spectrin 3 NP_062040 Spnb3 5 5
tubulin, alpha 1 NP_071634 Tuba1 6 4
tubulin, beta 5 NP_775125 Tubb5 6 5
similar to RIKEN cDNA 5730469M10 XP_341407 8 5
similar to DKFZP586A0522 protein XP_235659 4 2
similar to Hypothetical protein KIAA0152 XP_222228 5 3
similar to RIKEN cDNA 1500009M05 XP_215704 4 2
aldehyde reductase 1 NP_036630 Aldr1 7 3
crystallin, alpha B NP_037067 Cryab 4 4
hydroxysteroid (17-beta) dehydrogenase 12 NP_114455 Hsd17B12 2 2
heat shock protein 8 NP_077327 Hspa8 5 4
heat shock 90kDa protein 1, beta NP_001004082 Hspcb 4 4
similar to pM5 protein XP_341862 Nomo1 4 3
similar to CG8014-PA XP_236584 Rme-8 6 5
ATP synthase, H+ transporting, mitochondrial F1 complex, beta subunit NP_599191 Atp5B 3 3
voltage-dependent anion channel 1 NP_112643 Vdac1 4 3
voltage-dependent anion channel 2 NP_112644 Vdac2 4 3
Extracellular (secreted)
collagen, type XVIII, alpha 1 XP_241632 Col18A1 27 4
fibronectin 1 NP_062016 Fn1 3 3
similar to Basement membrane-specific heparan sulfate proteoglycan core protein precursor XP_233606 Hspg2 3 2