Scheme for development of different PcINO1 mutants, BjINO1, Os∷PcINO1, and Bj∷PcINO1. A, Schematic representation of PcINO1, OsINO1, and BjINO1. B, Strategy of generating deletion mutants ΔPcINO1.2 and ΔPcINO1.1 by PCR. C, Os∷PcINO1 by fragment exchange method. D, Bj∷PcINO1 by PCR. The major difference between OsINO1 or BjINO1 with PcINO1, as highlighted by different shading, is the 37-amino acid residue stretch (Trp-174 to Ser-210). A part of the core catalytic region (20-amino acid residue stretch) is also highlighted (Asn-342 to Lys-361). Deletion of the 37-amino acid residue stretch resulted in ΔPcINO1.2 and deletion of the 20-amino acid residue stretch resulted in ΔPcINO1.1. Replacing the corresponding 37-amino acid residue stretch from OsINO1 with that of PcINO1 generated the hybrid Os∷PcINO1 or Bj∷PcINO1.