Figure 5.
(a) Surface representation of the 40S ribosomal subunit from rabbit reticulocytes in complex with the HCV IRES [adapted from ref. (7)]. The cryo-EM map is shown in yellow. The difference map corresponding to the HCV IRES is superimposed and given in purple. The view from the solvent side. The suggested location of hairpins IIId/e/f is boxed. Asterisk show the proposed entry (right) and exit (left) sites of the mRNA. (b) Structural model of yeast 40S ribosomal subunit obtained from cryo-EM data (solvent side view) [adapted from ref. (31)] in which locations of several ribosomal proteins that have prokaryotic counterparts are shown. Abbreviations used: rp, ribosomal protein; h, head; bk, beak; sh, shoulder; pt, platform; b, body; lf, left foot; rf, right foot. Red dotted oval shows the suggested location of hairpin IIIe.