Biological control of Pythium damping-off on various plant species by E. cloacae
Plant species | Healthy seedlings (%)a
Efficacyd | |||
Nontreated | E. cloacaec | Nontreated | E. cloacae | ||
Carrot | 70.7 B | 67.6 AB | 5.7 B | 49.0 BC | 66.7 AB |
Corn | 100.0 A | 88.9 AB | 38.9 A | 51.1 BC | 20.0 C |
Cotton | 88.9 AB | 77.8 AB | 0.0 B | 69.4 AB | 78.1 A |
Cucumber | 80.6 AB | 83.3 AB | 0.0 B | 50.0 BC | 62.1 AB |
Lettuce | 68.1 B | 76.8 AB | 12.1 AB | 55.6 B | 77.7 A |
Pea | 97.2 A | 100.0 A | 0.0 B | 30.6 C | 31.4 BC |
Radish | 92.2 AB | 86.7 AB | 8.3 AB | 70.6 AB | 74.2 AB |
Sunflower | 94.4 AB | 80.6 AB | 55.6 A | 83.3 A | 71.4 AB |
Tomato | 85.8 AB | 78.9 AB | 0.3 B | 58.3 BC | 67.9 AB |
Wheat | 75.0 B | 55.6 B | 0.0 B | 61.1 B | 81.5 A |
Healthy seedling stands were determined 7 days after sowing.
Inoculated by placing a disk containing P. ultimum sporangia adjacent to the seed (see Materials and Methods).
Coated onto the seed at the rate of 5.6 × 106 cells/seed.
Efficacy = [1 − (nontrt/noninoc − trt/inoc)/(nontrt/noninoc − nontrt/inoc)] × 100, Numbers in each column followed by the same letter are not significantly different (P = 0.05) according to Tukey's method for pairwise comparisons. where nontrt/noninoc is the number of sporangia that were not treated with Pythium and not inoculated with E. cloacae that germinated, trt/inoc is the number of sporangia that were treated with E. cloacae and inoculated with P. ultimum that germinated, and nontrt/inoc is the number of sporangia that were not treated with E. cloacae but were inoculated with P. ultimum that germinated.