Strain | No. of nucleotide differences (% of similarity)
rrs gene
glnII gene
nifH gene
nodB gene
R. gallicum R602sp (U86343)a | R. gallicum R602sp (AF008130)a | R. gallicum FL27 (AF008129)a | R. etli CFN42 (U28916)a | R. gallicum R602sp (AF529015)b | R. gallicum FL27 (AF529016)b | R. etli CFN42 (AF169585)b | R. gallicum R602sp (AF218126)a | R. gallicum FL27 (M55226)a | R. etli CFN42 (M15942)a | R. gallicum R602sp (AF529022)b | R. gallicum FL27 (AF529021)b | R. etli CFN42 (M58626)a | |
IE988c | 5 (99.1)e | 15 (97.3) | 15 (97.3) | 11 (98.0) | 10 (98.1) | 7 (98.7) | 68 (86.4) | 5 (98.7) | 10 (97.1) | 13 (96.7) | 4 (99.3) | 6 (98.9) | 109 (80.9) |
IE2730d | 12 (97.8) | 20 (96.4) | 18 (96.8) | 2 (99.6) | 73 (86.4) | 70 (87.0) | 25 (96.0) | 15 (97.2) | 14 (96.1) | 0 (100) | 108 (81.1) | 109 (80.9) | 0 (100) |
The number in parentheses is the accession number of the sequences retrieved from GenBank.
The number in parentheses is the accession number of the sequence generated in this study.
The accession numbers for rrs, glnII, nifH, and nodB gene segments of R. gallicum IE988 are AF529011, AF529013, AF529017, and AF529019, respectively.
The accession numbers for rrs, glnII, nifH, and nodB gene segments of R. etli IE2730 are AF529012, AF529014, AF529018, and AF529020, respectively.
Pairwise nucleotide difference, including gaps (percentage of similarity).