Enlarged view of the upper left and upper right portions of the complete circuit to illustrate the locations of the transverse gap-junctions. A total of 9 gap-junctions were positioned in a zigzag pattern across the 10 × 10 model. These were located between cells A10 and B10, B1 and C1, C10 and D10, D1 and E1, E10 and F10, F1 and G1, G10 and H10, H1 and I1, I10 and J10. In each transverse junction, Rjct has a much higher value than Rol2, and it is equivalent to Rjc in the longitudinal gap-junctions. Rgjt is the shunt resistance for the transverse gap-junctions, and is equivalent to Rgj for the longitudinal gap-junctions. Assuming a conductance of 100 pS for each gj-channel, Rgj and Rgjt were varied from 100,000 MΩ (0 channels) to 1,000 MΩ (10 channels), 100 MΩ (100 channels) and 10 MΩ (1000 channels). RBT is the bundle termination resistance at each end of the bundle, and has the standard value 1.0 KΩ. The standard values for Rjc and Rjct are 25 MΩ (50 MΩ ÷ 2 in parallel). The standard value for Rol2 is 200 KΩ.