FIG. 7.
JCV is viable when changed Ser7, Ser11, and Thr21 of agnoprotein to Asp. (A) Mad-1 WT genome or its agnoprotein mutant (Mut-Asp) were separately transfected into SVG-A cells (8 μg of DNA/2 × 106 cells/75-cm2 flask). Whole-cell and nuclear extracts were prepared at indicated time points and were analyzed for the detection of agnoprotein and VP1 expression by Western blotting with both anti-agnoprotein and VP-1 (pAB597) antibodies. An arrow points to a nonspecific band detected by an anti-VP1 antibody, which is to serve as a loading control for VP1 detection. (B) In parallel, low-molecular-weight DNA was isolated at indicated time points from transfectants and analyzed by a DpnI assay as described in Fig. 3A.