Comparison of the secondary structures of RNase MRP and RNase P RNAs from hemiascomycetes. Boldface letters represent the universally conserved nucleotides for P RNA and MRP RNA, respectively. The degenerate nucleotides are shown according to (Cornish-Bowden 1985). A dot represents any nucleotide. Two parallel straight lines represent a helix, and a curved line represents a loop containing a variable number of nucleotides. The P7 helix with a question mark in MRP RNA indicates it is not defined (see main text). A P7.2 helix insertion in the MRP structure of S. paradoxus is not included. The nomenclature for these conserved regions (CRs) is that of (Chen and Pace 1997). Helix numbering follows their putative homology with bacterial structures (Haas et al. 1994). The P RNA structure model is derived from (Kachouri et al. 2005), while the insertions are shown with arrows.