Bub1, BubR1-positive, and Mad2-negative kinetochores in hRad21 knockdown cells are end-on associated with microtubules. (A–C) Mitotic cells of control non-RNAi and hRad21 RNAi (48 h) cells were stained for DNA with Hoechst 33342, Mad2 (A), BubR1 (B), and Bub1 (C) with antibodies. (D and E) Eight serial sections (0.4-μm intervals) along the z-axis were taken for metaphase in control non-RNAi cells (D) and for hRad21 RNAi cell (E). Red, anti-CENP-C; green, tubulin; blue, DNA. (F) A hRad21 RNAi cell that retained a plate-like structure. Bars, 10 μm.