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. 2001 Nov;91(11):1808–1814. doi: 10.2105/ajph.91.11.1808


Characteristics of Overall Sample and Surveyed Subsample of Women Delivering at 18 Hospitals, by Ethnicity: California, 1994–1995

All Women, % (N = 22 304) White, % (n = 5666) Black, % (n = 2390) Foreign-Born Latinas, % (n = 9097) US-Born Latinas, % (n = 2592) Asians, % (n = 2226)
Individual-level characteristics of overall sample
    Age, y
        <18 6 3 9 5 14 2
        18–19 8 5 12 8 15 3
        20–34 75 76 68 79 64 75
        ≥35 12 16 10 9 7 20
    Mother's education
        <High school 39 10 19 70 36 13
        High school completed 30 36 44 20 39 28
        >High school 31 54 38 10 25 59
    Medi-Cal coverage 47 18 42 71 45 27
1 40 43 43 34 47 46
        2–4 55 54 51 59 48 50
        ≥4 6 3 6 7 5 4
    Received 1st trimester prenatal care 77 86 80 70 75 83
    Infant birthweight, g (mean) 3380 3498 3184 3395 3369 3239
    Low birthweight (<2500 g) 6 4 11 4 6 7
Neighborhooda characteristics of overall sample
    >25% of residents were poor 21 4 33 32 21 10
    >8% of adult men were unemployed 29 11 40 39 32 15
    >40% of adults had less than high school education 37 5 34 62 40 14
Survey subsample characteristics (n = 2005) (n = 907) (n = 3832) (n = 950) (n = 653)
    Family income, % of poverty level
        ≤100 19 54 71 50 18
        101–200 18 17 21 22 18
        201–400 37 21 7 21 35
        >400 26 7 1 6 29
    Self-rated prepregnancy health was fair or poor 6 13 18 189
    Felt neighborhood was unsafeb 11 14 11 12 9
    Had no supportive personb 3 4 5 3 4
    Smoked during pregnancyb 23 17 4 10 6

Note. Characteristics are expressed as percentages, except for mean birthweight. Data are from birth records with linked census data of 22 304 women who delivered in 18 California hospitals chosen for a statewide postpartum survey between August 1994 and July 1995. Subsample data are from interview data from subsample of 8457 women whose records were linked with birth records and census data; differences between overall sample and survey subsample are noted in text.

aCensus block group.

bVariable available for women in survey subsample with household income ≤400% poverty level.