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. 2002 Apr;92(4):655–659. doi: 10.2105/ajph.92.4.655


—Bivariate Associations Between Geographic Location and Selected Measures Among Rural and Nonrural African American Women (n = 571)

% Rural % Nonrural PR 95% CI P
Sexual health history
    Ever diagnosed with an STDa 29.9 38.6 0.77 0.58, 1.03 .07
    Ever diagnosed with syphilis or gonorrhea 9.0 17.4 0.51 0.29, 0.92 .02
    Not counseled about HIV during last pregnancyb 25.0 13.3 1.89 1.27, 2.80 .002
    No HIV or STD counseling from care providerc 97.5 93.3 1.04 0.98, 1.10 .31
    Ever been HIV tested 52.6 57.4 0.92 0.75, 1.12 .38
    Past or current partner has not been HIV tested 79.8 65.6 1.22 1.08, 1.37 .004
Risk perceptions
    No chance of becoming infected with HIV 55.9 47.4 1.18 0.99, 1.41 .09
    No preferred way to prevent HIV or STD infection because “I don't worry about HIV or STD” 18.8 11.6 1.63 1.04, 2.54 .03
Sexual risk behaviors
    Never used HIV prevention methods 13.2 11.2 1.17 0.67, 2.06 .57
    Never used condoms, past 2 mod 57.8 47.2 1.22 1.01, 1.48 .048
    No condom use: believee partner is HIV negativef 27.2 17.4 1.56 1.02, 2.40 .04
    No condom use: partner has tested HIV negativef 35.9 49.0 0.73 0.54, 0.99 .03

Note. PR = prevalence ratio; CI = confidence interval; STD = sexually transmitted disease.

aIncludes chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, human papillomavirus, and herpes.

bAmong 505 women who had been pregnant and could recall whether or not they were counseled.

cAmong 264 women who had a care provider under Missouri's managed care plan.

dAmong 441 women who reported having sex with a man (or men) in the past 2 months.

eDespite lack of partner testing for HIV.

fAmong 351 women who had sex in the past 2 months and did not always use condoms.