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. 2002 Aug;92(8):1290–1294. doi: 10.2105/ajph.92.8.1290


—Age-Standardized Prevalence and Means of Health Outcomes and Selected Risk Factors, by Grade of Employmenta and Sex: Whitehall II and GAZEL Cohorts

Whitehall II: Employment Grade GAZEL: Employment Grade
Higher Intermediate Lower P for Trend Higher Intermediate Lower P for Trend P for Interactionb
No. (%)
    Men 1417 (43.9) 1505 (46.6) 305 (9.5) ... 954 (31.6) 1579 (52.4) 482 (16.0) ... < .001
    Women 307 (11.8) 1017 (39.2) 1274 (49.0) ... 277 (7.8) 2558 (67.3) 968 (25.4) ... < .001
Mean age, y
    Men 46.8 46.6 47.3 > .25 47.3 47.0 47.0 .03 .05
    Women 43.3 43.8 45.4 < .001 44.6 44.6 43.6 < .001 < .001
Health outcomes
Sickness absence (long spells ≥ 8 days), rates per 100 person-years
    Men 6.6 13.8 30.9 < .001 11.4 24.9 45.9 < .001 > .25
    Women 9.7 22.5 38.2 < .001 23.6 41.8 63.4 < .001 .10
Average or poor health, %
    Men 17.7 23.3 35.4 < .001 12.0 15.4 19.9 < .001 .19
    Women 23.3 32.8 42.4 < .001 13.5 18.7 23.5 < .001 .23
Explanatory factors
Early childhood environment
    Father blue collar or manual, %
        Men 7.9c 10.9 14.4 .002 23.9 31.1 33.6 < .001 > .25
        Women 1.1 11.2 19.2 .001 15.0 29.5 32.1 < .001 < .001
    Height, cm
        Men 177.4 175.6 172.4 < .001 174.4 173.5 172.5 < .001 < .001
        Women 164.9 163.4 160.8 < .001 163.3 162.1 161.3 < .001 < .001
    Education: higher, %
        Men 64.6 30.9 26.1 .001 51.0 6.4 3.3 < .001 < .001
        Women 82.0 34.3 16.1 .001 62.2 7.1 2.3 < .001 < .001
Health behaviors
    Tobacco: current smokers, %
        Men 9.3 17.9 35.8 < .001 28.9 32.5 31.9 .14 < .001
        Women 12.8 20.7 27.5 < .001 21.6 18.6 18.8 > .25 < .001
    Heavy weekly alcohol consumption, %
        Men (≥ 22 units) 19.3 18.1 11.5 .008 21.2 29.5 28.3 < .001 < .001
        Women (≥ 15 units) 25.0 12.1 3.5 < .001 12.6 10.5 10.2 > .25 < .001
    Fruits and vegetables: ≥ daily, %
        Men 61.9 51.6 36.0 < .001 59.1 57.3 61.4 > .25 < .001
        Women 81.4 66.7 54.4 < .001 73.7 73.5 72.6 > .25 < .001
Psychosocial environment
    Married, %
        Men 89.6 80.7 60.1 < .001 92.6 90.9 88.8 .01 < .001
        Women 58.9 54.0 68.2 < .001 69.2 78.7 76.1 > .25 .01
    Work characteristics: low decision latitude, %
        Men 11.8 34.7 82.5 < .001 18.3 42.0 77.9 < .001 .003
        Women 2.2 13.7 49.2 < .001 4.3 29.5 51.2 < .001 < .001

aGrade of employment is based on salary and occupational title.

bTests whether the magnitudes of the grade gradient between the 2 cohorts are the same.

cThe values for the Whitehall II Study are lower because jobs classified as skilled manual (3M) in the United Kingdom are not considered blue collar according to the French classification we used.

The corresponding values would be 36.1, 44.9, and 55.8 for men and 18.4, 44.0, and 62.6 for women if skilled manual were included for the United Kingdom. The tests for trend do not change, nor do any other results.