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. 2002 Jan;92(1):71–74. doi: 10.2105/ajph.92.1.71


—Smoking Characteristics of 3676 Women, by Age Groups: Geneva, Switzerland, 1992–1998

Age Groups, y
Characteristics 35–44 45–54 55–64 65–74 All P
n 1077 1194 825 580 3676
% Never smokers 43.3 52.3 65.3 68.1 55.1
% Past smokers 24.0 23.3 17.7 17.6 21.3 }<.001a
% Current smokers 32.7 24.5 17.0 14.3 23.6
% Ever smokers 56.7 47.7 34.7 31.9 44.9 <.001b
Age initiated smoking, yc 18 19 20 20 19 <.001d
Number of cigarettes per dayc 13.6 12.7 12.5 10.0 12.6 <.09e
Duration of smoking, ya 17 22 29 36 21 <.001e
Mean number of quit attempts among ever smokers 0.86 0.83 0.80 0.78 0.83 .65e
Mean number of quit attempts among women who attempted to quit at least once 1.36 1.27 1.26 1.26 1.30 <.03e

aχ26 , never vs past vs current smokers.

bχ23, ever vs never smokers.

cMedian, among ever smokers only.

dLog-rank (χ2 approx), 3 df.

eKruskal–Wallis (χ2 approx), 3 df.