Cultures of embryos derived from mNle+/− intercrosses. E3.5 blastocysts were harvested and cultured for 3 days. mNle+/+ and mNle+/− blastocysts (A) hatched from the zona pellucida after 1 day and attached to the culture dish. During the following days, the ICM proliferated (arrows) and the trophectoderm differentiated (arrowheads). mNle−/− blastocysts were indistinguishable from controls at E3.5 (B and C). After 24 h in vitro, most of them were unable to hatch from the zona (C) and degenerated rapidly. The remaining mNle−/− embryos hatched (B) and attached to the dish, and the trophectoderm expanded and differentiated (arrowhead). However, after 2 days in culture, the ICM degenerated and was no longer discernible. Bars, 50 μm.