Table 3.
Descriptive Statistics on the Number of Citations for Each Study
Drug Review Name | No. of Citations and Articles Reviewed by EPC | No. of Citations Included in Test Collection | % Retained in Test Collection | % Retained Included in EPC Review |
ACEInhibitors | 6,866 | 2,544 | 37.05 | 1.60 |
ADHD | 2,191 | 851 | 38.84 | 2.40 |
Antihistamines | 1,037 | 310 | 29.89 | 5.20 |
AtypicalAntipsychotics | 2,947 | 1,120 | 38.00 | 13.0 |
BetaBlockers | 5,437 | 2,072 | 38.11 | 2.00 |
CalciumChannelBlockers | 3,717 | 1,218 | 32.77 | 8.20 |
Estrogens | 718 | 368 | 51.25 | 21.7 |
NSAIDs | 766 | 393 | 51.31 | 10.4 |
Opioids | 4,996 | 1,915 | 38.33 | 0.80 |
OralHypoglycemics | 1,460 | 503 | 34.45 | 27.0 |
ProtonPumpInhibitors | 2,698 | 1,333 | 49.41 | 3.80 |
SkeletalMuscleRelaxants | 5,460 | 1,643 | 30.09 | 0.50 |
Statins | 7,922 | 3,465 | 43.74 | 2.50 |
Triptans | 1,343 | 671 | 49.96 | 3.60 |
UrinaryIncontinence | 809 | 327 | 40.42 | 12.2 |
EPC = Evidence-based Practice Center; ACE = angiotensin-converting enzyme; ADHD = attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder; NSAIDs = nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug.